Patni Education Trust

Patni Education Trust

Brief History

The Patni Education Trust (formerly “Patni Education Committee”) was established in the year 1963, by the elders of Patni Sunnat Jamaat,Surat. It was formally registered as a charitable trust in the year 2006. Its primary objective at inception was to provide monetary help to the poor and needy students from within the Patni fraternity in the form of educational scholarships. The “Trust” has provided financial aid to hundreds of such students over the years, and helped shape many careers. Alhamdulillah.

Current Acitivty

Having begun at a very modest scale, the “Trust” has evolved, in over 50 years of its existence, into a body providing educational scholarships to school students as also to those pursuing higher professional education at university level. An average of more than 300 students avail of our (the trusts’) school fee scholarships annually and more than 70 students avail of college/university scholarships. Our annual budget for the academic year 2022-23 has already exceeded Rs.35 lakhs. We conduct an “Annual Prize Distribution Function” to honour and felicitate meritorious students.

Besides this the “Trust” has extended its activities to encourage and guide students to pursue higher education. We conduct “student motivation and career counselling” seminars and “exam training workshops” annually. Responses from students, parents and especially women in these activities are indeed encouraging.

Future Goals

 Immediate Goals:

Our records and surveys within the Jamaat reveal a new awakening and eagerness for higher education. Most students have an urge to pursue higher modern education in varied fields like medicine,engineering,IT and computer science,management,accounting etc. and make successful careers. All they need is encouragement, proper guidance and financial support to help them move ahead.

We, at the “Trust”, intend to provide all necessary forms of help to our students. Our role would extend from encouragement, motivation, mentoring and career guidance as also to provide financial help.


Long Term Goals:

  • To establish institutions imparting high quality education at affordable prices.
  • To establish institutions providing job-oriented professional courses.
  • To conduct vocational training courses especially for girl students.

Patni Sunnat Jamaat

Mother Body to manage Jamaat as a whole.

The Patni Co-operative Credit Society Ltd

Gives Qarz e Hasana (intrest free loans) to members of Jamaat..

Patni Education Trust

Helping Jamaat students by giving scholarships, books and uniforms & motivates them..

Patni Housing Society

Developed and now manages Patni Colony.

The Qamar Free Library

Having vast collection of all kinds of books (Religious, historical, political, literary, biography, poetry, novels etc.) in Urdu, Gujarati, English and Hindi languages.




Event Sponsor: test

Event Guest Name: test

Event Address: test

Event Date: 15-05-2024

Event Time: 8pm


Event Sponsor: demo

Event Guest Name: demo

Event Address: demo

Event Date: 27-05-2022

Event Time: 7pm

audit report

Committee Member

J Shabbir Ahmed Ghulam Mohammed Kagzi

J Shabbir Ahmed Ghulam Mohammed Kagzi

Supervision Committee

J Dr.Mohammed Umar M.Siddique Hakeem

J Dr.Mohammed Umar M.Siddique Hakeem

Supervision Committee

J Prof.Mohammed Hanif M.Habib Dalchawal

J Prof.Mohammed Hanif M.Habib Dalchawal


J Mohammed Elias Badruddin Savai

J Mohammed Elias Badruddin Savai

Vice President

J Zahid Hussain abdul Kadir Kagzi

J Zahid Hussain abdul Kadir Kagzi


J Mohammed Yusuf M Azam Bardoliwala

J Mohammed Yusuf M Azam Bardoliwala

Joint secretary

J Masood Ahmed Maqbool Ahmed Mombasawala

J Masood Ahmed Maqbool Ahmed Mombasawala

Joint secretary

J Dr.Mohammed Umar M Qasim Kadodia

J Dr.Mohammed Umar M Qasim Kadodia


J Maulvi Hasan Ahmed M Azam Mumbaiwala

J Maulvi Hasan Ahmed M Azam Mumbaiwala


J Dr.Mohammed Salman M Riyaz Bombaywala

J Dr.Mohammed Salman M Riyaz Bombaywala


J Mohammed Bilal M Sharief Kadodia

J Mohammed Bilal M Sharief Kadodia


J Mohammed Yaqub M Hussain Jarullah

J Mohammed Yaqub M Hussain Jarullah


J Mohammed Qasim A Hakeem Hakeemchichiwala

J Mohammed Qasim A Hakeem Hakeemchichiwala


J Najmussaqib M Khalid Maniar

J Najmussaqib M Khalid Maniar


J Maqsood Ahmed M Anwar Bootwala

J Maqsood Ahmed M Anwar Bootwala


M Moinuddin M Khalid Kagzi

M Moinuddin M Khalid Kagzi


J M Ibrahim M Siddique Kagzi

J M Ibrahim M Siddique Kagzi


Important Form
